How long will FedEx shipping within the United States take?Updated 3 months ago
FedEx map for shipping
Bulk Program Details
Nature’s Garden does Bulk Orders. Shipping method is determined by our Operations Team and Customers will be notified via email by our Customer Care Team.
My package is lost
We understand how crucial your order is for you, that's why Nature’s Garden offers detailed tracking information under your Account in Orders section. Select the order number you wish to track and the tracking information will be provided on the bottom right. Or check out the tracking email we emailed to you with the email that’s associated with your Account.
Occasionally, couriers might mistakenly mark your order as delivered when it's still on its way. If you haven't received your order, try checking with neighbors or someone who might have accepted it for you. If you still can't find it, please wait a full 24 hours before contacting us to file a claim with us.