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How do I cancel my order?Updated 3 months ago

Once an order is placed and accepted, it cannot be cancelled by you.  Exceptions will not be made to this cancellation policy.  Any additions to an order will be treated as separate orders and assigned a separate order number.  It is crucial that you double and triple-check the accuracy of your order before clicking the “place order” button during checkout. The Company will not be held accountable for and will not correct any order mistakes that you have made. The Company will not add to or take away from your order, nor will the Company combine orders for shipment.

There is a fifteen (15%) restocking fee charged for any order that the Company cancels due to lack of payment in full. For example, we have had incidences where international customers have paid for their merchandise, we have packed their order and emailed them to alert them that they need to pay for shipping, but the customer fails to pay for the shipping. In such an instance, your credit card will be credited the amount of your merchandise minus a fifteen (15%) restocking fee due to costs incurred by the Company in processing, packing, and unpacking your order.

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