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Access directions to our showroom, information on scheduling appointments, and frequently asked questions about visiting in person.

How do I pick up my order from the Nature's Garden Warehouse?

Nature's Garden Curbside Pickup Location. 42109 State Route 18 Wellington, Ohio 44090. 1-440-647-0100. Hours of Operation for Pick Up Orders: Monday-Friday 8:00 am- 3:30 pm EST Closed on all Major Holidays. Please wait for a confirmation email that t

Can I pick up an order?

Nature's Garden Curbside Pickup Location. 42109 State Route 18 Wellington, Ohio 44090. 1-440-647-0100. Hours of Operation for Pick Up Orders: Monday-Friday 8:00 am- 3:30 pm EST Closed on all Major Holidays. Please wait for the confirmation email that

Where is Nature’s Garden located?

Nature’s Garden. 42109 State Route 18. Wellington, Ohio 44090

Does Nature’s Garden have a store where I can browse items?

We have permanently closed our store.

How do I become a Distributor?

We currently do not offer a distributor program, all pricing is for small business owners like you!

Do you offer wholesale prices?

All of our prices are for you as a small business owner.  Our bulk items are priced to give you better margins with large quantities.

How do I become a distributor?

We appreciate your interest in stocking and selling our products; however, we are no longer accepting applications for our distributor program. The program has been discontinued for new members.

What qualifies for the bulk discount?

Our bulk pricing is available online.  All bulk pricing is priced to give you better margins with large quantities.