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Troubleshooting: Foaming Bath Whip-TraditonalUpdated 3 months ago

     One of our most popular products to date, our Foaming Bath Whip-Traditional is a great addition to any crafter's arsenal. During the hotter months of the year however, this product can sometimes cause quite the stir (and not the good kind)! In temperatures over 100 degrees F our Foaming Bath Whip-Traditional can deflate and liquify. This occurs especially during transit in carrier vehicles that are not temperature controlled. This article will address this phenomenon and ways to help correct it. 

In the video below, you can see how our wonderful Foaming Bath Whip is made: 

     As seen in the video, the product is made in a liquified state at higher temperatures. It is then packaged and goes through a special cooling process to achieve that luxurious, dense fluffy look we all know and love. So when the foaming bath whip is exposed to the higher temperatures, it will go back to that liquified state. This can certainly be frustrating and alarming for our customers! Rest assured there is nothing wrong with the product and it is quite safe to use in this state. But we have a few helpful suggestions on how to get the product back to a great consistency.

Option 1-Whip it, whip it Good!

     This is a great option if the product arrives in a slightly liquified to semi-liquified state. Allow the product to cool to room temperature. Take your desired amount and place in a cool or chilled mixing bowl (this will help to further cool the bath whip and help to counteract the heat generated by the mixer). Whip at medium to high speed for a minimum of 5 mins to incorporate air back into the product and the desired look is reached.

Option 2-  Brr! Is it cold here, or is it just the Bath Whip?

So your Foaming Bath Whip has come pretty much liquifed. What to do? Never fear, the refrigerator is here!
Take the desired amount you wish to use in your recipe and place it in a mixing bowl. Cover the bowl with seran wrap and place in the refrigerator for a minimum of 2 hours. Once you remove it, immediately start to whip it on a medium to high speed for a minimum of 5 mins. Whip until desired consistency is reached. 

Note: While the above suggestions are amazing for getting our Foaming Bath Whip-Traditional back to form, they will not keep the product stiff. Once the product comes back to room temperature, it will start to deflate (it will not liquify back, but will reach a slightly runny look. The next suggestions will address this desired stiff-look effect. 

Option 3-Time to mix it up!

So you're looking to fluff the product into a stiff, peaked creation from the semi to liquified state the Bath Whip has arrived in. Great idea! This is a pretty easy fix if we do say so ourselves.

Just add soap! Melt and Pour Soap that is. Add this to the foaming bath whip starting at a 4:1 ratio, test, and increase the ratio if the feel and look of the bath whip is not what you want. Melt the soap in 30 second bursts in the mircowave until completely liquified. Add to the mixing bowl and whip for 3 to 4 minutes at medium speed. After that, add the foaming bath whip to the mixture and mix together for an additional 3-4 minutes minimum.

Example: If you're using 1 cup of the Foaming Bath Whip, you'll want to use 1/4 cup of the MP soap.
If you increase the ratio, try 3:1, 2:1, and finally 1:1. If using the last 1:1 ratio, the product will look very like fluffy summer clouds and be very stiff.
As long as this mixture is not exposed to excessive heat that will comprimise the melt and pour soap, it will keep this form. 


Option 4-BUBBLES?! (Bubble Wash Thickener)

No soap, but you do happen to have our Bubble Wash Thickener on hand. Awesome! Try adding the Bubble Wash Thickener at about 2% to the bath whip amount and mix for 10-15 minutes on medium speed. This should keep it voluminous and fluffy. 

As always, we recommend doing small test batches of any new method or product formulation you wish to try, to ensure it works the way that you want it to. Adjustments to the process may be needed, so its always a good idea to experiment!
It is the customers' responsibility to conform to all regulations required by the FDA when creating products for resale.


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